Organic Donut

By Erty Seidohl

Author: erty

  • !!Con Mini-Postmortem

    I was recently contacted by a researcher who was interested in studying “alt” events, like !!Con, and I wrote up some answers that I thought might be interesting to folks and worth preserving. Some of the questions are edited for brevity or style. These are also only my opinions and do not necessarily represent the…

  • Aphantasia

    I’m pretty sure I have aphantasia, but I’m not sure that I’ve always had it. Maybe my brain is weird! I’m writing this up just in case it’s interesting or helpful to someone else. If you haven’t heard of it before, aphantasia means the inability to visualize things. If someone presents me with the classic…

  • CUDA – Four

    I’ve been busy with other things, but I woke up early and decided to get some CUDA studying in. I did talk with the hiring manager for the position that I’m interested in, who (as I expected) clarified that I didn’t actually need to know CUDA for this position. I’m still interested, though I should…

  • CUDA – Three

    I ran a CUDA program 🙂 It was a rough experience 🙃 Honestly, getting started with pretty much any programming language involves a lot of banging your head against the toolchain, and slowly untangling old tutorials that reference things that don’t exist anymore. Honestly, this was easier than some python setups I’ve done before. I…

  • CUDA – Two

    I have an art sale coming up in three days, so I’m spending most of my focus time finishing up the inventory for that. But in my spare time between holding the baby and helping my older kid sell lemonade, I’ve started exploring a few of the topics I’m interested in from the previous post.…

  • CUDA – One

    First, some backstory. I was laid off from Google in January and I’ve taken the last six months off, mostly working on art glass and taking care of my kids (one of whom was just born in April, and is sleeping on my chest as I write this). I’m slowly starting to look for work…

  • Post Updates

    I updated two posts and wanted to briefly mention it in a new post for folks who follow this blog via RSS. 1. I added some more updates and details to my blog post about taking Atomoxetine (Strattera) for my ADHD2. I added a new link to the a e s t h e t…

  • ADHD / Atomoxetine

    Edit: added some updates 2024-03-01 Edit: I’m no longer taking Atomoxetine because the side effects were just too much. But I’m leaving this post in case it helps someone in the future! I’ve been quite open about the fact that I was diagnosed with ADHD in December of 2021, and in January I started taking…

  • Mental Model Metacognition

    I’ve been seeing a therapist recently, and it’s been quite nice to be able to take an hour to introspect my mental processes with help from a professional. I also enjoy the time set aside to focus on myself – I don’t feel like I’m taking over the conversation or being selfish with the time.…

  • Teaching Programming

    Note: This is a post I drafted in 2017 and am publishing now in 2020. I am genuinely tired of Silicon Valley jerks being convinced they can save education while knowing nothing about it. Amandine Coget (@LiaSae) December 2, 2015 My Background I’m working as a tech educator now – my official title is “Lead…