A blog by Erty Seidohl
Uber, but for providing meaning to your life — Matthew Garrett (@mjg59) April 15, 2015 My good friend Angela told me about the Service a week ago. Once you press the button on your phone, you no longer know what’s real. Every person you bump into on the street arouses suspicion. Are they part of…
Should You Prefer Prefix over Postfix Increment?
I’ve been told in the past by a programming mentor that ++x is faster than x++, and I found myself refactoring a few increments in javascript the other day. But then I got thinking – is it really faster? Wouldn’t most modern compilers optimize out the difference? I decided to do some science. A Hacker…
Making Tea With Javascript: OOP with the Prototype Chain
Javascript is weird. Prototypical inheritance is really powerful, but it’s quite a bit to wrap your mind around if you’re new to it. My first language was Java, and I’m comfortable with the “traditional” OOP paradigm. In this post, I’ll build a traditional Superclass/Subclass relationship in Javascript in an attempt to untangle the weirdness that is Javascript’s…
Notes from PAX East 2015 (Part 3 / 3 – Dungeon Mastering)
I went to PAX East 2015! It was awesome! I took a lot of notes! (Part 1: Social Stuff) (Part 2: Making & Selling Games) Here are the notes from the one talk that I went to on being a good Game Master. Playing Between The Lines Luke Crane, Adam Koebel, Sage LaTorra, Thor Olavsrud…
Notes from PAX East 2015 (Part 2 / 3 – Making & Selling Games)
I went to PAX East 2015! It was awesome! I took a lot of notes! (Part 1: Social Stuff) (Part 3: Dungeon Mastering) Here are the notes from the “how to make and sell games” type talks. Business Basics for Indies Dan Adelman This talk is mostly about video, not board games Business Strategy Understand the…
Notes from PAX East 2015 (Part 1 / 3 – Social Stuff)
I went to PAX East 2015! It was awesome! I took a lot of notes! (Part 2: Making & Selling Games) (Part 3: Dungeon Mastering) Here are the notes from the “social media / dealing with people” type talks. Enabling Co-Op Mode Tracy Hurley, Christine Chung, Georgia Dow Social Identity Theory We need to form…
Blog is Back
I recently migrated from InmotionHosting.com to DigitalOcean.com, and I’m slowly getting all of my sites back online. I recommend Inmotion if you’re looking for a managed hosting solution, by the way – one of their techs went way out of their way to get me a backup of the site after I was dumb and…
Soylent Soylent Soylent Eggs
I’m trying Soylent as an experiment. This is my 7th day eating it. Here’s my blog post for the past 6 days of Soylent if you’re interested. Woke up today tired, but enjoyed myself a glass of Soylent in the morning, made with some vanilla (for flavor) and salt (for not keeling over). Definitely bodily tired –…
Six Days of Soylent So Far
I promised Pedro that I would start blogging when I started on my Soylent diet, so here goes. I’m a bit late, considering that I actually started in on Soylent a few days ago, but preparations for my wedding have kept me away from the blagosphere. I’ll assume the reader is familiar with the purpose and origin…
Meditations on Meditations – 1:4
It’s been a little over six months since my last meditations post. Let’s pick up where we left off, shall we? 4. MY GREAT-GRANDFATHER To avoid the public schools, to hire good private teachers, and to accept the resulting costs as money well spent. (Hays, 1) My parents were huge believers in this method.…