Organic Donut

By Erty Seidohl

Brooklyn Hipster

This is a pretty self-centered post, so if you’re not interested in my life stories, you might want to check out my more technical posts.

Trying to sleep more this morning was like trying to blow air into an overinflated balloon. I’d really messed up my sleep schedule over the last week – On Monday I took .5mg of melatonin in an attempt to re-regulate my sleep schedule, which ended up being too much for my tiny frame. I slept for 12 hours straight, and woke up halfway a few times, without enough energy to lift myself out of bed.

So, there I was, lying on a couch in Brooklyn at 6 in the morning with nothing better to do than get out of bed, walk to a coffee shop, and write a blog post. Because why not?

It turns out there aren’t many coffee shops on 5th avenue in Brooklyn that are open that early. I’m sitting now at the Starbucks at Flatbush and 7th. I tried, tried so hard to go to a local coffee shop, but none of them were open, or they only served coffee. As a chai drinker, those places aren’t particularly useful to me. It’s kind of like Apple, though – I really dislike how much I like it. Apple products and starbucks coffee are well-designed and delicious, respectively, but I’d rather drink locally owned coffee and use linux. Why? I blame my hipsterness.

Speaking of being a hipster, I’m already wearing an outdated cap and collared shirt, and writing my blog in a starbucks in a trendy area of brooklyn while I apartment hunt for my job at Etsy, which if that’s not hipster I don’t know what is.

This chai is good and I get a new Macbook pro in two weeks. I feel so dirty.

From Brooklyn,







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