I’m grouping these days for two reasons: One, I’m writing about them on the 10th, so my memory of the days might be a bit weak, and Two: the 9th is really the day to read about, so you might as well skip there now.
I flew out to Hacker School before I graduated from college, with the plan to fly back to Appleton on the 7th for commencement, which I did: my flight had a 3.5 hour layover in Detroit, which I spent surprisingly awake for how much sleep I got the previous night.
The feeling of arriving in Appleton after living in New York City was similar to returning home, but somehow less exciting. I’ve only spent 6 days in the city, but I can tell why so many millions of people live there – it’s invigorating and always active. The last time I was in NYC, I was 9, and the city was terrifying. I have a distinct memory of picking up my sister and dad from a McDonalds at night, and it must have been under and interchange, because I remember not being able to see the sky. I’m beginning to have an appreciation for both the relaxed Midwestern life as well as the hectic city life. I’m glad I lived near San Francisco last summer – it was a good introduction to city living and I don’t think I’d be this comfortable in a metropolis without that experience. Seeing the farms’ squares across the earth relaxed – and at the same time, bored – me.
I arrived in Appleton around 5, and was picked up by Greta and Chelsea at the airport, with Aaron and Gus in the back. We made our way to Jacob’s house in Oshkosh for his graduation (and birthday?) party. There was a bouncy castle, and we spent a large chunk of our time wrestling, bouncing, and experimenting with physics. We played a bit of croquet (I think Aaron won, barely), and ate Chinese food. It was a very enjoyable afternoon – sipping beer with friends in a backyard. I commented to Greta at one point that it was a particularly Midwestern day.

After the party we returned to Lawrence and packed up a bit. Hung out with Evan and Jacob until 2:30am.
Woke up on Saturday, packed up a bit, and met my family: Mom, dad, sister, and four of my aunts and uncles. We ate at the graduation picnic under an enormous tent on Main Hall green. Greta joined us for the end, and afterward we took a short tour of Lawrence’s campus: the chapel, Briggs hall, Wriston, Warch, Gaming House.
We spent some time packing up my room and the house, and rented a U-Haul to get all of my stuff home – I have too much of it.
That night was spent cleaning the kitchen and getting the house ready for Summer. Played some smash brothers with Julian and Evan before going to bed.
From New York City,
–Erty Seidel
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