Tag: blaggregator
LACE: Latency-Aware Collision Engine in Javascript
Code for this is at https://github.com/ertyseidel/collisions Motivation In a multiplayer game, it is useful to be able to do collision detection on the server, to ensure that your players aren’t cheating or moving incorrectly. When we take latency into account, and the other myriad problems that can come about when we deal with packets, this problem…
Keeping track of your competency as a programmer
Especially for Hacker School students, but really for anyone: If you’re looking for a way to discretely measure your progress through Hacker School, check out the following resources: Programmer Competency Matrix This one especially is a good way to measure yourself. Programmer Competency Matrix rebooted, which is the same thing but extended. Signs you’re a…
Integers and Strings in JavaScript
Joe and I just spent an hour or so debugging my Node.js application, a simple multiplayer tag game. The problem was that while a player was moving, they disappeared from every other player’s view. Not the greatest for playability. So we dove in to the code, and figured out that on each loop, the x…
Blaggregator/WordPress: Aggregating only certain posts
For users of Blaggregator: If you use wordpress for your blog, you can get a custom feed of only posts which match a tag by constructing the following URL: http://example.com/?tag=tagname&feed=rss2 So for example, I’m going to tag all of the posts that I want on Blaggregator with “blaggregator” and then give Blaggregator the feed url…