Organic Donut

By Erty Seidohl

  • RLST Post #7: Analysis of a company analyisis

    Just today, on, “walker” posted a blog post about his business, TeeSpring, titled Our Path to $1M in Sales. I want to analyze the business decisions made by the company to make it to $1M in sales from the viewpoint of this class. If you’ve decided that walker’s post is TL;DR, here’s a few…

  • RLST Post #6: Ten Things Google Knows to be True

    From I’ll be examining the ways in which Google’s philosophy focuses on the users’ identity and self, using the 10 “truths” that google professes. With my experience working at start-ups and technology companies, I’ll also be looking at how Google’s “truths” have come to revolutionize the way that start-ups are made, and companies become successful.…

  • RLST Post #5: Five Sites That Drive the Internet

    If you really want to understand the world of the internet, the best way is to jump in and experience the daily craziness. Here are five sites that (in my opinion) have their finger on the pulse of the web. 1. Although mainstream Reddit is becoming less of an internet-news site and more of…

  • RLST Post #4: Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

    Buddhist Mind When I was in high school, a group of Tibetan Buddhist monks visited our campus for a week, bringing with them bags of colored sand and an assortment of brass tools. School administrators marked off an area of the great room with ropes, and provided a large flat board to the monks. Over…

  • Hacker’s Manifesto from 1985

    Since we’re focusing on computer culture in the early days of personal computing, I wanted to share this hacker manifesto (that, coincidentally, I got off of Hacker News), which I found poorly written but insightful. Hacker Manifesto from 1985 If this isn’t charged with religious undertones, I don’t know what is.

  • RLST Post #3: Be Observant

    My homeroom teacher for all of middle school was a man named Mr. Martin. As I remember him, he was of average height and stature, and wore a kind beard. He was the kind of man who had eyes that twinkled when he smiled, and betrayed the depth of his mind. He taught English, History,…

  • RLST Post #2: Aaron Swartz

    I cannot pretend that I knew Aaron Swartz except through the articles written about him, as well as the fruits of his labor: YCombinator, Reddit, the RSS specification. And yet when he took his own life on Jan 11, It only took a moment for me to realize that the world had lost yet another…

  • Senior Project: Introduction

    Since I have one of these blog-type-things, I’ll be not only making my posts about RLST 245: “Apple, Google, Facebook” here, but also posting weekly updates about my Senior project, which is to build a blogging platform. “But Erty, there are a lot of blogging platforms already! Why make another?” –You I feel that there…

  • RLST Post #1: Lifehacking with Hotkeys

    [Editor’s Note: These blog posts are from a class at Lawrence University, RLST 245: Apple, Google, Facebook, which examined those companies from a religious studies viewpoint. We were required to keep a blog for the class. The class was taught by Martyn Smith, and I highly recommend it to any Lawrence student.] “Similarly, the relatively…