Organic Donut

By Erty Seidohl

Category: RLST 245

  • RLST Post #13: Teaching the Web

    [Editor’s Note: These blog posts are from a class at Lawrence University, RLST 245: Apple, Google, Facebook, which examined those companies from a religious studies viewpoint. We were required to keep a blog for the class. The class was taught by Martyn Smith, and I highly recommend it to any Lawrence student.] My Thoughts: I’ve…

  • RLST Post #11: Together, Alone

    I was struck by this frame while watching Sherry Turkle’s video, Connected, but alone?. Perhaps it was simply the technopunk poetics of the word choice (I feel that this phrase could spawn a novel or two), but something about it caught in my mind. I was caught off guard when Stephen Colbert asked me a…

  • RLST Post #12: “just another talkative Egyptian Retweet”

    The Earth Turns On June 13, 2009, I was working for a startup in Boulder, Colorado, and I took the bus to work every day. The night before I had spent on the internet, carefully following the emerging Iranian election protests. Revolutions fascinate me. I spent evenings in 2011 following the video livestreams from Occupy…

  • RLST Post #10: Web Development

    Watching “The Social Network” was a strange experience for me. During the times that the Sorkin obviously tried to lose the average viewer in “technobabble“: I understood all of that. The world of web development is truly insane. I’m sure I would be just as lost during a biology or chemistry babbling session, but this…

  • RLST Post #9: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus

    We Do Not Know When I took the Theory of Computation class last term, I was fascinated by the amount to which it stretched the limits of human knowledge. Perhaps it is because computation is so new a field – just 60 years ago, a “computer” was a woman at a desk with a pen…

  • Software called god

    Just wanted to point this out 🙂

  • RLST Post #8: How Much Does Google Know About You?

    Since I work in web application development, it behooves me to keep up on the latest in browser technology. I noticed a blog post by Google, posted on hacker news, titled High Performance Networking in Google Chrome. Cool Chrome Stuff The thing I found the coolest in this article was the way that Chrome used heuristics…

  • RLST Post #7: Analysis of a company analyisis

    Just today, on, “walker” posted a blog post about his business, TeeSpring, titled Our Path to $1M in Sales. I want to analyze the business decisions made by the company to make it to $1M in sales from the viewpoint of this class. If you’ve decided that walker’s post is TL;DR, here’s a few…

  • RLST Post #6: Ten Things Google Knows to be True

    From I’ll be examining the ways in which Google’s philosophy focuses on the users’ identity and self, using the 10 “truths” that google professes. With my experience working at start-ups and technology companies, I’ll also be looking at how Google’s “truths” have come to revolutionize the way that start-ups are made, and companies become successful.…

  • RLST Post #5: Five Sites That Drive the Internet

    If you really want to understand the world of the internet, the best way is to jump in and experience the daily craziness. Here are five sites that (in my opinion) have their finger on the pulse of the web. 1. Although mainstream Reddit is becoming less of an internet-news site and more of…