Month: March 2014
One Letter at a Time
The other day, I saw the following brain-teaser posted on Reddit: along with the claim that “Startling” is the only 9 letter word where you can remove one letter at a time and still have a word. Let’s see if that’s true using IPython and a long list of words from [ed. note in 2018…
The Broadcast Problem
In which I ramble on for a while before concluding nothing. You’ve been warned. Snapchat and Facebook Snapchat is quickly becoming my go-to communication tool for sharing moments with close friends. There’s a certain intimacy to it: just you and your chosen few recipients get to see the picture for a short while. It’s a way…
Povio: On its way to cool
An open letter to the developers of Povio including some hopefully constructive and totally unsolicited feedback about the user experience. 1. Povio is cool I heard about Povio through Hacker News and immediately installed it. It’s new. It’s humble. It solves the problem of people sharing useless stuff about themselves. I can ping the people I’m…
Terminal_’s Rules of Game Development: A retrospective
Terminal_ is a game that Evan Conway , Max Feldkamp, Mike Gold, Julian Delfino, and myself worked on during the winter of 2012-2013. I’ve since left the project, but I believe that Evan and Max are carrying it forward despite having day jobs. That winter, I had the role of Product Manager, and came up with the…