This post is addressed toward people who have little to no experience with JavaScript, Node.js, or their associated libraries, but are interested in learning what they are and aren’t.
Another student at Hacker School asked me to explain the difference between Javascript, AJAX, jQuery, AngularJS, and Node.js.
Let’s start with the basics:
JavaScript is a programming language designed for use in a web browser. (It’s no longer a “scripting” language, nor does it have anything to do with Oracle’s “Java”, so the name is a bit misleading.)
You can code in JavaScript – it’s a full-featured language which (with one notable exception) runs in a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. It’s usual use is to manipulate a thing called the “Document Object Model”, essentially elements on a webpage.
JavaScript executes on the client side: A website server sends the javascript to a user’s browser, and that browser interprets and runs the code. This happens inside a “sandbox”, which keeps the javascript from touching the internals of the system, which most of the time keeps malicious code from messing up the user’s computer.
A simple JavaScript program is alert("hello world!");
, which on an HTML page would probably be put inside a <script>
tag to tell the user’s web browser to interpret the following as JavaScript, like: <script> alert("hello world!"); </script>
. This code makes a small alert box pop up on the user’s browser. To see this code execute, click here.
So, to recap: JavaScript is a programming language that operates in the browser, inside a security “sandbox”. It allows manipulation of elements on a webpage.
AJAX stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML“, and is a way that a webpage can use JavaScript to send and receive data from a server without refreshing a webpage. XML is a kind of markup language – like HTML, which people sometimes use for sending data across the internet. Recently, JSON (“JavaScript Object Notation”) is more popular and can be natively read by JavaScript. I know that’s a lot of 4-letter acronyms, so let’s recap:
AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. A system for sending and receiving data from a server without a page refresh. (example below)
XML: eXtensible Markup Language. A language for organizing arbitrary data. Uses lots of angle brackets “<>”. (example)
HTML: HyperText Markup Language. A subset of XML specifically for describing and organizing web pages. (example)
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation. A more modern way of packaging data that’s often used with AJAX. Can be natively read by JavaScript. (example)
A sample AJAX call might work like this:
- Client requests page from server
- Server responds to request and sends page
- Client makes AJAX call to the server and requests more data
- Server sends that data.
- Client updates the page using that data without refreshing.
Facebook, Gmail, and Pinterest are examples of sites that use a lot of AJAX.
The “Asynchronous” part refers to the fact that when the JavaScript makes the AJAX call to the webserver, it continues to work until the response – it doesn’t “block” and stop while the data is being processed server-side.
jQuery is a library built in JavaScript to automate and simplify common tasks. There are many libraries like it, but jQuery really took off because of its power and ability to make things work in older browsers. jQuery is used in the browser, alongside “normal” JavaScript. It is mainly used for animation and AJAX, which are difficult to do with vanilla JavaScript, but are just a few lines in jQuery.
jQuery is included in a web page using the <script>
tag; for example: <script src="./path/to/jquery.js"></script>
. There are also myriad jQuery plugins, which extend the functionality of jQuery in various ways.
A sample jQuery call, which hides a small box when clicked:
Live Example:
<script src="path/to/jquery.js"> <script> $("#box").click(function(){$("#box").slideUp()}); </script>
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