HS Day 20: Sleeping In (Again)

I seem to have a problem with Thursdays – I woke up around 1pm today and didn’t get in to Hacker School until 2:30. I had planned on actually being social and joining some people for lunch today as well, which I was sad to miss. Nobody in particular, but I’ve been eating a lot of lunches on my own and I want to start hanging out with people a bit more.

Speaking of, Javier is into SC2 (although he watched more Brood War), so we’re going to put together a little party for the MLG spring championships next weekend at Hacker School. We’ll see if anyone else ends up showing up, though. I’m not sure how many fans of SC2 there are at HS, since it’s kind of a specific hobby.

I spent the afternoon putting together the technical blog post for LACE, the Latency-Aware Collision Engine, which you can read right here on my blog! I came up with the acronym  this afternoon as well 🙂

At 5:30 I gave a 2 minute presentation on the engine, and then after everyone else’s presentations, gave a short demo of the tag game I’ve been working on implementing.

Hung out and talked StarCraft with Javier afterward, then played some SC2 on my own and surfed the web until 8:45, at which point I hopped on the 1 to Penn Station, where I got on an Amtrak to Washington D.C. to visit my Dad for the weekend!

From an Amtrak train somewhere on the East Coast,

–Erty Seidel

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